Exhibition Turku FCI-Gruppen 1, 2, 3, 5 (SF) 09.05.2024

Nottamäen Taikaterho

Catalog No: 390
Rating: vv1
Class: Puppy 7 to 9 months
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: Honor-Prize, Puppy-BOS
Written critics: 8 m old male, m,masculine. lovely puppy. lov. head, good expression. strong skull. good muzzle. good for chest, a touch frenching. needs to straighten the topline, but still in development. good underline. good ang. nice tail. lovely coat and color.

Nottamäen Taikatuli

Catalog No: 391
Rating: vv1
Class: Puppy 7 to 9 months
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: Honor-Prize, Puppy-BOB

Let Me Be My Loyalty Bear Black Spinel

Catalog No: 392
Rating: SG3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 9 m old, sufficiently masculine. correct in proportions but needs to develop. corr. head, good skull. corr. earset. strong neck. corr forchest. a touch frenching. a little weak in the topline. good underline. corr. in group. strong legs. moves a little narrow behind. good coat and color. needs to improve a little in temper.

Unexcepted Star To Woolpaws de l´Arche des Pierres Dorées

Catalog No: 393
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: PU3, SA, Junior-SERT, JMVA
Written critics: 1 y old male of good size and proportions. lovely head with proad skull. corr. muzzle. lov. eyes. well set ears. corr. bite. good for chest. strong bones. good top and underline. well set group. well angulated. good tail set. lovely movement seen from all around. good coat and color.

Wave Seekers Moon Over The Jungle

Catalog No: 394
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: PU2, SA, Junior-BOB
Written critics: 12 m old male, very masculine. good size, lovely proportion. strong head, good skull. lov. muzzle, corr. bite. very strong for chest. strong neck. lov. topline, good underline. strong bones. well angulkated. moves very well see all over. lov. coat and color.

Loyaltybears Amigo

Catalog No: 395
Rating: SG1
Class: Offene
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 2 y old of a very good type. masculine, corr head, with a good skull. nice muzzle, corr. bite. strong neck, would like a touch more forchest. good topline. strong bones. good underline. corr. ang. in hind. in movement a little cowhoked in the back and difficult to see movements. good coat and color.

Terhotarhan Eero Oikosulku

Catalog No: 396
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: PU1, SA, BOB
Written critics: 3 y old of exc. type. good in proportions, very masculine. lov. head, beautiful expression. lov. skull, good muzzle. strong neck. good for chest. lov. ribcage. good bones. lov. top and underline. really well angulated. moves very well round the ring. lovely coat and color. well shown.

Terhotarhan Huhuu Neiti Hepsankeikka

Catalog No: 397
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 10 m old of good proportions, feminine. corr. head and skull. good muzzle. corr. bite. strong neck, would like a touch more forchest. still developing. good front legs. need avear of frenching. good rib cage. would like i little better topline. good underline. corr ang. behind. moves with suff. drive. nive coat and color.

Terhotarhan Huhuu Neiti Kesäheinä

Catalog No: 398
Rating: SG3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 10 m old, very feminine bitch of good size and proportion. needs to develop confidence. feminine head. good skull. nice muzzle. corr. bite. good eneck. needs to deve. forechest. somewhat frenching. good topline and underline. corr ang. behind. moves with suff. drive. good coat and color.

Terhotarhan Huhuu Neiti Suukkosuu

Catalog No: 399
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: PU4, SA, Junior-SERT, Junior-BOS, JMVA
Written critics: 10 m old femin. bitch. beautiful, good proportions. lov. head, corr bite. good skull. lov. muzzle. good neck. suff. for chest. good top and underline. well ang. behind. moves very well seen all sides. good coat and color.

Waterbear Henriette

Catalog No: 400
Rating: SG4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 9 m old, very fem. bitch. still needs to develop. lov. head. strong skull. good muzzle. lov eyes. corr bite. would like more for chest, a little narrow in front. good boones. would like a touch stronger topline . good underline. corr. ang. hind, would like better in front. good bones. good color and coat. moves with suff. strid.

Kenia Moon de Jacshiva

Catalog No: 401
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: SA
Written critics: 1y 11 m old fem. bitch. lovely proportion. good head, nice muzzle. corr. bite. nice for chest. good toplina, lov. underline. well angulated. good coat and color.

Ohois Molina

Catalog No: 402
Rating: SG2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 19m old of very good type. lovely but together. good head, nice muzzle. corr. head. good neck. corr. foechest. strong bones. good group. moves well. nice coat and color but too heavy today.

Flying Tails Just Heart Full of Fire

Catalog No: 403
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 3 y old of corr. proportions. lov. head with good expression. good muzzle. great bite. strong neck, would like a little more forchest and rib cage. good bones. moves well around the ring. good coat and color.

Haumean II Namaka

Catalog No: 404
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: PN3, SA, SERT
Written critics: 2 y old and very good proportions, feminine. lov. head, good expression. corr. muzzle and bite. lov. fiorchest. good top and under line. well angulated. moves very well seen from all sides. lovely coat and color.

Vaskipuron Bertta Bach

Catalog No: 405
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 2 y old feminine bitch. beautiful proportions. lov. head and expression. good muzzle. would like little more forchest. corr. topline good underline. well angulated. strong bones. good movement. good coat and color.

Private Cast Entry Into My Heart

Catalog No: 406
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: PN2, SA
Written critics: 4 y old beautiful bitch,. feminine. lov. proportions. lov. head. good skull. lov. muzzle. corr. bite. good forchest. strong bones. lov top and underline. corr angulated. moves very well seen from all sides. lovely coat and color. well shown.

Vaskipuron Helmi Hirmuinen

Catalog No: 407
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: PN1, SA, BOS
Written critics: 6 y old bitch, feminine. lov. proportions. beautiful head, lov skull. good muzzle. corr. forchest and rib cage. strong bones. nices top and underline. lov. angulations. moved well. lov. coat and color.

Haumean Wampira

Catalog No: 408
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Anwartschaft: SA, Veteran-SERT, Veteran-BOB
Written critics: 8 y old , feminine bitch. lovely outline. beautiful head. good proportion. nice muzzle. strong neck. good forchest. lovely rib cage. good top and underline. corr. angulated. moved very well. very good coat and color.

Haumean Wenus

Catalog No: 409
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: 8,5 y old of exc. type. lov. feminine bitch with good proportions. well formed head, good muzzle. good neck, would like more forchest. strong neck. good topline and underline. acceptable group. corr. angulated. moves well. good coat and color

Water Rescues X-Tra Brains Needed

Catalog No: 410
Rating: ohne Bewertung
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Bjarke Falk Sando Sabroe (DK)
Written critics: almost 10 y old nice bitch, lov. proportions. lov. head. good forchest and rib cage. strong in bones. lovely coat and color. unfortunately. limping so cannot be judged.